Thursday, May 01, 2008

Battle of the Bearcats Goes to B-C

Cayce, SC - In a match between the state's only two high schools nicknamed Bearcats, Brookland-Cayce escaped with a 5-4 victory at The Cage.

Final: Brookland-Cayce 5-4 Rock Hill
Halftime: BC 3-1 RH.
Goals: (BC) Eduardo Adam 8:22, (BC) Adam 9:28, (BC) Robby Setzler 21:12, (RH) Lyle McDaniel 32:40, (BC) Chris Pinner 51:12, (RH) Alex Robinson 57:05, (BC) Josh Davis 65:56, (RH) Hugo Arzaluz 70:00, (RH) McDaniel 76:08.
Assists: (BC) Christoph Holzwarth 2, Taylor Lewis 2; (RH) Fernando Gonzalez.
Saves: (BC) Chris Duzan 7; (RH) Tripp Spradley 5.
Corner Kicks: (BC) 2; (RH) 3.
Offsides: (BC) 5; (RH) 0.
Fouls: (BC) 13; (RH) 13.
Cautions: (RH) Matt Cascio 20:00, Christian Bono 51:22.
Officials: Rick Coker, Bill Harrison.
Weather: Clear, 70 Degrees.
Records: B-C (15-5-1); RH (11-6).
Man of the Match: Eduardo Adam


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